National Egg Day
I know what you are thinking –
“National Egg Day????? Come on – can anything be more commercialized than National Egg Day. Which egg company started this joke of a holiday?”
Well, you are wrong my friend. This holiday is VERY VERY old and it has an actual place in history.

Some folks getting ready for the Annual National Egg Day Parade
National (World) Egg Day was first declared a day of celebration by Claudius Nero Germanicus (b. 10 BC, d. 54 A.D.; emperor, 41-54 A.D.), the third emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Due to a severe poultry plague that devastated Europe at the beginning of the first millennium, chickens and particularly eggs were feared to be eaten. Anything to do with poultry was removed as a staple food source. Three years after the plague begun, Claudius challenged nobles to eat eggs to prove to the peasants (that would have been my relatives) that it was safe to each eggs again! Only one nobel accepted Claudius’ challenge. Augustus Antonius invited all – far and wide – to witness his simple meal of boiled eggs. Since Augustus did not fall over dead or show any other ill effects, all of Rome dived into eating their eggs and poultry again. As a result, Claudius issued a royal proclamation dedicating the 3rd day of June as the Holy Roman Day of Eggs.
The holiday endured for more than 500 years but ended during Justinian’s reign. Can you believe Justinian ended Holy Roman Day of Eggs? What was he thinking??
But alas, the egg got it’s day in 1805 when Napoleon captured historical Italian documents relating to the Holy Roman Empire. Intrigued by the fact that Roman emperors were so enamored of the egg, and not wanting to be upstaged by them, he also declared June 3rd as “Oeuf Journée Nationale” or, “National Egg Day.” It has remained a popular acknowledgement by western society to this day.
Thank you Napoleon – You did get something right!
In honor of National (World) Egg Day, we’ve put together a few DELICIOUS recipes for you.
A great Bell Pepper and Potato Frittata from Skinny Taste
Need a Grab & Go Breakfast? Kalyn’s Kitchen has an easy one for us.
Easy & Delicious Greek Yogurt Egg Salad Lunch from Damn Delicious
I see having this Easy Cheesy Breakfast Casserole on our supper table. Found this at
Found a Ham Quiche Cup for another Grab & Go Breakfast from Dinner-Mom.
If we’re listing egg recipes, we have to include one scrambled egg recipe. Let’s try out Tim’s Famous Eggs from SprinkleJoy.
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Avocado Egg Salad from DietHood – I’m sure this will be a regular for lunch around here.
Now that you’ve checked out all these great egg recipes, how will you be celebrating National Egg Day?