Category: DIY

Quick Kitchen Chalkboard Using Gorilla Glue

Need a quick gift or just want to make something special for yourself? I’ve got the perfect idea – A Kitchen Chalkboard You can make this cute little chalkboard with a few inexpensive supplies found at your local craft store. ...

Herb Garden Basket

I’ve had this wood picnic basket laying around for 3 or 4 years.  The other night I got tired of tripping over it and made the statement -“I’m doing something with this TONIGHT or I’m throwing it away.” I’ve been...

Painting With The HomeRight Paint Stick

Painting With The HomeRight Paint Stick

When the hot water heater flooded my craft room and sewing room, I tried to find the silver lining in the mess. The sewing room was dark and no matter how many lights I turned on in there it was...

Ryobi Corner Cat

Don and I went to Home Depot the other day and I got a new toy, I mean tool.  I am the proud owner of a Ryobi Corner Cat which is a great all-around orbital finishing sander. As you know, we...