Category: Cooking

Day 1 – What I Learned Today

Here it is, Day One of my “What I Learned Today Challenge”.  I thought I would start the month off with 5 quick kitchen tips.  1.  Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store.  I knew to...

MineCraft Chicken Cake

I don’t know about your kids or grandkids but mine still love anything Minecraft.  Now if you don’t have kids or grandkids that are into video games, then you just might be asking – what the heck is Minecraft.  It is...

Tangy Parmesan Tilapia & Fresh Pepper Salad

We LOVE seafood around this house.  Almost as much as Mexican Food.  You’ll see this one on our supper table a couple of times a month.  The Pepper Salad even more frequent especially during the summer. They are both easy...