Category: Home Front

Painting With The HomeRight Paint Stick

Painting With The HomeRight Paint Stick

When the hot water heater flooded my craft room and sewing room, I tried to find the silver lining in the mess. The sewing room was dark and no matter how many lights I turned on in there it was...

Who Doesn’t Love A Front Porch

What southern girl doesn’t dream about a big front porch to decorate and serve sweet tea on?  My husband and I had always wanted a big porch and five years ago we moved into our current house which has that beautiful big front porch.  Well,...

Summer Teas and Lemonades

Summer Teas and Lemonades | Let’s Go Junking!It usually occurs when a person suffers from prolonged improper posture or sudden twisting and cheapest viagra purchased here turning of the spinal column. Stop watching porn One of the beauties of buy...

Gardenias – Flowers of the South

No plant expresses the grace of the South like a gardenia.   The sweet, exotic aroma fills my mind with memories of hot summer evenings on my Granny’s front porch.  Sitting on that East Texas porch as a young girl, I...